
(W)right insight

For some, alas, the very phrase 'second coming', and even perhaps the word 'eschatology' itself, conjures up vision of the 'rapture' as understood within some branches of (mostly North American) fundamentalist or evangelical Christianity, and as set out, at a popular level, in the 'Left Behind' series of novels by Tim. F. Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, and the theology, if you can call it that, which those books embody. That schme of thought, ironically considering its fanatical though bizarre support for the present state of Israel, is actually deeply un-Jewish, collapsing into a dualism in which the present wicked world is left to stew in its own juice while the saints are snatched up to heaven to watch Armageddon from a ringside seat.

- N. T. Wright kirjassaan Paul in Fresh Perspective

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